Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Great Scheme of The Monkey Bars

These innocent looking metal structures were indeed a fruitless attempt at the mass extermination of children. Moms and dads knew that once they sent us off to school, we'd be climbing those bars, falling off, and ultimately, breaking our necks.

 However, we fooled everyone; we survived. Not only did we survive, but we flourished, growing in numbers. We made the monkey bars our second home.

There was in fact, a certain hierarchy of supremacy directly related to monkey bars. The kid on the very top bar ruled the day. Soon, he - or she, would be joined by others seeking to be king, or to oust another person from power. Girls seemed to be more attracted to the things that moved, like the swings or the teeter-totters, but there were girls who could get to the top faster than us guys.

Soon it became our duty-our obligation-to climb even more dangerous things like trees, telephone poles (back in the day when they had the metal foot thingys sticking out), or perform death defying stunts on these monkey bar battlefields that parents sent us out on. 

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